Coffee with Juice

Coffee with Juice
My own work

Thursday 19 May 2011

Game Changer

Adele is someone I recently got into and now I can't imagine how my life was before her music, she's a real game changer and a positive influence on where music is going!

At a crossroad with nowhere to go

Ever find yourself at a point of your life where you just don't know what you're supposed to do, well that's where I'm at right now. The difficulty for me though is that I'm not sure what is the best decision that I could live with and have the fewest regrets. Now, I don't believe in having regrets, because I feel that they just eat at you and have no further use other than to make you feel bad about yourself, maybe to teach you something, but I think accepting and acknowledging your wrongs is similar and effective without having that guilt lingering in every decision.  But what if something feels like the right choice to you, but is wrong to everyone else around you, what do you do then? that's where I am at right now, if what i want really is what i want, or is it something that someone else wants and I think its something I SHOULD want. Don't get me wrong I have amazing people in my life that I really respect and admire, but at the same time, I can't help but feel that something is off. This feeling I get messes with my logic, because logically I should want to do what I love, but when there is a barrier between what I love and what I should love, I have trouble seeing where I am supposed to go. The kicker to this internal conflict is that there as some things that are out of my control. That's a scary thing isn't it? to accept that something in your life you don't have a say, at least that scares me. There are some areas that I need to give to the universe because as much as I scramble to find answers elsewhere and inside of me and with whatever information I do have, I can't find them, and I can't change how things are. This puts even more pressure onto this crossroad of my life, because as much as I want to go onto this path I have been building since I could remember, I find that I keep looking back at that feeling I get and every time I do I feel anchored to being in limbo, So maybe the only thing I can do is wait until something pushes me into a direction, and for this lingering feeling to disappear
